Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Place to Share Information

Well, I guess it was inevitable.  Everyone else seems to have a blog, and now I am starting one too.  Does that make me a copy cat?  Have I given in to peer pressure?  Or is it just a good idea whose time has come?

This blog is for my students.  Each week I will write about something connected to the class (or classes) I am teaching.  For example, this semester I am teaching an advanced reading & vocabulary class, so my posts will mainly have to do with reading and/or vocabulary.  Did you notice that some words in the previous paragraph are in italics?  That's because I expect these will be new words (or expressions) for my students.  I've italicized those words and phrases so that they will be easier to look up, if students want to look them up.

In the long run, I plan to post links to interesting articles, favorite books, and other useful ESL pages.  But for now, please bear with me as I learn how to use this blog.

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